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    I8686影视网n this unreal walk through the streets of Paris Marie (Bulle Ogier), a woman convicted of robbing a bank is just out from prison when she runs into Baptiste (Pascale Ogier) a young paranoid needing companionship and the two team up for awhile. Marie's former boyfriend (Pierre Clementi) supplies them with a strange map of the city, suspicious because he keeps files on political figures that may be somehow linked to the map. A gangster nicknamed"Max" begins to track Marie and the already paranoid Baptiste causing Marie to examine the map as though it held the clue to which sides of the city were"safe" and which were not. As the two women attempt to outsmart Max and unknown gangsters they try to figure out the map - a task made all the more difficult by Baptiste's tendency to violent rushes of adrenaline and Marie's overworked imagination (a dragon at the North Bridge is a threat until Baptiste screams him down). Between the dragon and their own demons Marie and Baptiste face frightening odds against coming out of this misadventure intact. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi8686电影为您提供北方的桥在线观看,北方的桥在线点播,北方的桥8686电影与您在一起,这里是您娱乐和学习的好地方!学习和工作疲惫时您可以观看搞笑的电影与电视剧和欢快的综艺节目能够缓解压力,增添您的快乐;这里有经典的欧美电视剧和日韩电视剧,标准的中,英,日,韩语和清晰的中文字幕,可以在休闲中同时间学习外语,让您的外语水平得到提高;浪漫的港台剧,让您重温昔日的浪漫情怀.


    • 8.0HD洋葱电影肯·竹本,史蒂文·西格尔,唐·麦克马纳斯,阿黛尔·罗宾斯,斯科特·克拉斯,芭芭拉·普莱恩,奥兰多·希尔,艾瑞克·斯图汉斯克,Daniel,Chacón,Abigail,Mavity,Brendon,Baerg,兰·卡琉,Larissa,Laskin,Sandy,Kenyon,Sam,Menning,莎拉·麦克埃利戈特,迈克尔·波顿,Kwame,Boateng,史蒂文·科兹洛夫斯基,兰迪·奥格斯比,Paul,,Mousie,,Garner,理查德·凡西,阿莱克斯·索洛维茨,Savannah,Haske,金大
    • 2.0HD飞驰人生2沈腾,范丞丞,尹正,张本煜,孙艺洲,魏翔,贾冰,郑恺,冯绍峰,黄景瑜,刘昊然,于适,胡先煦,阎鹤祥,周野芒,高华阳,孙强,范高翔,郝瀚
    • 9.0TC热辣滚烫贾玲,雷佳音,张小斐,杨紫,沙溢,乔杉,李雪琴,马丽,魏翔,赵海燕,张琪,沈春阳,沈涛,许君聪,卜钰,朱天福,刘宏禄,张泰维,郭宇鹏,李海银,李国麟,张桂玲,孙婉竹,赵婷婷,法志远,姬晴,曹贺军,刘頔,贾文田,雷鸣武
    • 8.0HD爱情敏感地带国语谷德昭,吴辰君,叶佩雯,焦媛,连凯,冯家俊
    • 6.0HD青年警察朴叙俊,姜河那,朴河宣,成东日,裴侑蓝,高俊
    • 10.0HD简如西尔万玛加丽·列平·布隆多,皮埃尔-伊夫·卡迪纳尔,Francis-William,Rhéaume,莫妮亚·肖克里,史蒂夫·拉普兰特,Marie-Ginette,Guay,米其林·兰克图,Guillaume,Laurin,Linda,Sorgini,Mathieu,Baron,Christine,Beaulieu,Lubna,Playoust,Johanna,Toretto,Jordan,Arseneault,Guy,Thauvette,Eve,Aubert,Lila,Sofia,Houle,Zack,Char

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